Monday, May 22, 2006

The Wheel in the Sky Keeps on Turning . . .

So, today was my sixth day of work. So far, I think the job is going really well. I really, really like the people and the firm and the work. It's pretty sweet.

In other news, I had to reengage with Law Review today. Today was the day that the 1L packets were due. Really exciting, actually. I'm really excited to see who gets on. I really am looking forward to my WLR responsibilities next year, even though I'm going to be busy as shit. I'm also really excited to work with everyone - from the other members of the board, to the other 3Ls to the incoming 2Ls. I really think it's going to be an awesome, educational, trying, hard, rewarding, fun experience. I actually haven't looked forward to school this much since . . . ever.

I sat in on something called a "NASA" today. It's basically one of two final read-throughs of an article that the two SMEs and the EIC go through before the article is deemed ready for publication. "NASA" apparently used to stand for something, but either no one remembers what it stood for or no one cares, because the only reaction I get when I ask what it stands for (I love knowing the meaning of abbreviations like that) is an eyeroll and a diatribe about how much the term sucks.

Anyway, I sat in on this NASA with the outgoing SMEs and EIC because NASAs will be one of my main responsibilities next year. A NASA basically consists of a very close, very thorough reading of the article in which everything from grammar and puncuation to Bluebook compliance is checked, with each of the three people involved having their own article and pointing out each and every flaw they see. It's a painstaking process that takes about one hour per ten pages of the article. The article I worked on was only 36 pages long, and we were actually ahead of schedule because it took us only 3 hours. New EIC's article was over 80 pages long. That must have sucked for her.

In any event, it was really intimidating sitting with EIC and the two SMEs while they ran through this process. They've been doing this for a long time at this point, and they're like a well-oiled machine. They've got their shit down. Perhaps my board will be like that someday, but not right now. And it was humbling because one of the SME's knowledge of the Bluebook is as far beyond mine as mine is beyond Rachel's.

So, that was my afternoon. That and a few drinks with New EIC and S.Admin.E.

I'm starting to adjust to my new schedule and I have to say: it's not that bad.

So, all in all, today is a good day in the life of Andy.


Blogger M.T. said...

Ya know, I had that same feeling when I transfered to Ohio State from engineering school...For the first time, I was excited about going to class and what I was learning. It was totally refreshing.

However, that still doesn't stop me from skipping my 9:30 class on a fairly regular basis... :)

5/23/2006 10:31:00 AM  
Blogger Ismael Tapia II said...

If it's not an acronym, then what is it? And what does it mean?

5/23/2006 03:03:00 PM  
Blogger Vice said...

I have heard two acceptable acronyms for NASA; one is the Nauseating Association of Sanctimonious Assholes, and the other is the Nefarious Academy of Sarcastic Androids

5/23/2006 03:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The whole knowledge above and beyond Rachel Bachhuber's was just uncalled for. I'm turning my shit around next year. I've decided to go to all of my yet-to-be-determined classes and try my hardest to be the best malt and barley editor EVER. Furthermore, I came up w/ words to put for the empty NASA acronym and the former EIC herself told me that it was actually a really good suggestion. So, there, I have already gotten myself on the right track. Now, how are the rest of you going to help me wake up at 6:30 a.m. every morning so I can commute to milwaukee?

5/23/2006 03:42:00 PM  

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