Friday, June 16, 2006

"Marriage Is a Bribe to get the Wife to Believe That the Housekeeper is the Houseowner!"

Now, hold your accusatory tongues! I know what you're all thinking: "There, proof that he's a sexist! Just look at that title!" But before you convict me, consider that the title is a quote from the play "The Matchmaker," by Thornton Wilder. A play which, incidentally, I saw tonight.

It was pretty fucking good. Kristin invited me to go with her's because another friend of her cancelled. So, we went to this play. The thing is that the play was put on by the American Players Theatre. It's really cool: they perform plays on an outdoor stage in the middle of the forest. At one point, the sky threatened to unleash a torrential downpour, but it restrained itself and allowed the play to continue unabated. It was really a ridiculously beautiful place to see a play, and the performers were all awesome. At one point, the female lead tripped on one of her costumes (a way-too-big, turn-of-the-19th-century dress with petticoats and shit) and fell flat on her face. The she got up so quick without missing a beat that people in the audience weren't sure whether it was intentional or not. Now, maybe she shouldn't have fallen in the first place, but it was a testament to the actors' professionalism that she stayed completely in character. Kristin and I discussed the fact that, had that been either of us, we would have stayed down, pulled the dress over our head, and pretended we were somewhere else.

The play itself was funny and touching. It involves several characters from Yonkers, New York who go down to New York City to get away from their ho-hum lives and find adventure and love. Of course, everything works out in the end, just like it should. But one of the character sums the play, and life, up pretty well: It's all about having just the right mix of sitting there, being bored, and having adventures. The kind of adventures where you kiss girls (or guys, as your inclination may be), have excellent meals, go to new places, and almost get arrested. And, really, isn't that what life's all about?

An excellent Thursday, and a precursor to what will, hopefully, be an awesome weekend.


Blogger Santi said...

Totally off-topic, but you may be interested to know that I have started a blog: Symplectify Your Life.

6/16/2006 02:50:00 AM  
Blogger Ismael Tapia II said...

I am, indeed, interested to know that. I have placed a link to your blog under "My Friends' Blogs" in the sidebar.

6/16/2006 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds cool. I've never actually been to the APT, but I've heard a lot about it. They show things frequently there, yes?

Also, +2 to that actress for staying IC. That's hard to do.

6/16/2006 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Friend! I just came across your blog and wanted to
drop you a note telling you how impressed I was with
the information you have posted here.
Keep up the great work, you are providing a great resource on the Internet here!
If you have a moment, please make a visit to my adventure game reviews site.
Good luck in your endeavors!

7/15/2006 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


What is it with girls fighting?


3/09/2007 01:02:00 AM  

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